Job Opportunity FMDS Full-time Faculty Position

The UP Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Management & Development Studies is in need of one faculty member in Public Management Program of FMDS, UPOU.

Interested parties should email the following requirements to
1) Application letter addressed to the Dean;
2) Curriculum Vitae with picture and at least three (3) character references;
3) Copy of Transcript of Records from BS to the highest degree obtained;
4) Copy of sample publication; and
5) Accomplished APB Form 1 (

📅 Deadline of application is until 30 June 2024.


UP opens applications for #UPCAT2026 with the aim of increasing admissions from geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas. Programs such as Lingap Iskolar to provide support to qualified successful applicants. Applicants may visit for details.Read more here: #InclusiveUP #IskolarNgBayanUP opens applications for #UPCAT2026 with the aim of increasing admissions from geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas. Programs such as Lingap Iskolar to provide support to qualified successful applicants. Applicants may visit for details.Read more here: #inclusiveUP #iskolarngbayan ... See MoreSee Less
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