Invitation to InCites Training, 14 & 28 May 2021
Invitation to InCites Training, 14 & 28 May 2021
Clarivate invites the UP System community (faculty members, students, and staff) to a series of product training for InCites (part of our Web of Science subscription) on two Fridays of May 2021 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.via Cisco Webex Trainings. The training sessions will be facilitated by Ms. Dju-Lyn Chng, Regional Solution Consultant for Southeast Asia, Clarivate.
InCites Part I: Developing a comprehensive view of a research organization
Friday, 14 May 2021, 2:00-3:30 PM
  • Understand the more common research output indicators available in InCites and learn how to use various research area schemas for analysis
  • Develop a comprehensive view and understanding of how these indicators and schemas can be used to build a profile of an institution
  • This is a basic first session for new users of InCites and suitable for involved in reporting on research output and performance (example: research office, data analysts, research management administrators, etc)
InCites Part II: Benchmarking Institutions for strategic decision making and partnerships
Friday, 28 May 2021, 2:00-3:30 PM
  • Develop strategies to evaluate institutes that are contextually comparable.
  • Understand the pitfalls of comparing departments or institutes from different regional contexts or different research areas.
  • Develop an overview (output and performance) of the institute’s key researchers and their areas of collaboration.
  • This is a follow-up session from 14th May.
Interested attendees are requested to accomplish this pre-training survey.
Please see the PDF attachments for the official publicity materials.


ATM: The UPOU Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), as part of the Zero Waste Month Culminating Activities, is currently holding the Presentation of the Institutional Waste Management Plan (IWMP) at AVR, UPOU Headquarters. Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor of UPOU, opened the event. This program will conduct the presentation of the IWMP involving Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS) and waste projection, protocol/workflow, and proposed solutions (including the design for MRF). There will also be a Sign-Up for Volunteers and Community Currency Onboarding.#UPOpenUniversity #SDG6 #SDG11 ... See MoreSee Less
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