DLUP Faculty Position

The Faculty of Management and Development Studies of the UP Open University is in need of one faculty member in Land Use Planning.

Interested parties should email the following requirements to fmds@upou.edu.ph.

1) Application letter addressed to the dean;

2) Curriculum Vitae with picture and at least three (3) character references;

3) Copy of Transcript of Records from BS to the highest degree obtained;

4) Copy of Sample publication; and

5) Accomplished APB Form 1.


The UP Open University (UPOU) Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) Education Media Production (EMP) unit is looking for one (1) Senior Media Production Assistant (COS Position). Interested applicants may send their CV, portfolio, and copy of Transcript of Record to emp@upou.edu.ph.The UP Open University (UPOU) Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) Educat ... See MoreSee Less
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