- Computing science (preferably but not necessarily with a specialization in artificial intelligence, data science, statistics, cybersecurity, network architecture, computing hardware, human-computer interaction, or user interface and user experience design)
- Creative arts, design, digital humanities, and media production (preferably but not necessarily with a specialization or background in 3D modeling, extended reality application development, physical computing, wearable technology, interactive performance, immersive environments, performance and movement studies, speculative design, innovation strategy, or futures studies)
- Media studies and related areas (including but not limited to media anthropology, cultural studies, psychology, performance studies, and media sociology)
- Development communication (preferably but not necessarily with a specialization in science communication)
Even if your background does not fit any of the above, please still consider submitting an application if you have an interest in the teaching and research programs at the UPOU-FICS and have a background in any of (but not limited to) the following: open and distance education, educational technology, library and information science, law and media, digital humanities, somatic practice, dance, art studies, cultural studies, anthropology, cognitive science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, film, broadcast media, advertising, marketing, or design research.
Important dates
Faculty applications: We will be hiring on a rolling basis; applications will be reviewed biweekly. The call will remain open as long as openings have not been filled. Preferred start date for faculty positions is 1 August 2022 (negotiable).
Research Assistant applications: The deadline for the application is 15 June 2022. Preferred start date for the position 1 July 2022 (negotiable).
More information
Questions about these positions can be directed at the Dean of the FICS, Dr. Diego Maranan ([email protected]).
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Cross posted from UPOU FICS Website