FED Faculty Wins at PacifiChem Congress 2021

Assistant Professor Charisse T. Reyes, a regular faculty (on study leave) at the UPOU Faculty of Education and currently a third year PhD student at the School of Chemistry, Monash University, participated in 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem Congress 2021, conducted in Hawai’i, USA. This event was held both virtually and face to face on 16-20 December 2021, primarily hosted by The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) with the representatives from the seven joint sponsors of the event.

Pacifichem was founded in 1984 and this year’s congress is the eighth in the series of successful co-sponsored scientific conferences of Pacific Basin Chemical Societies. The main theme of the Pacifichem Congress 2021 is “A Creative Vision for the Future” with two subthemes that are incorporated into the forward-looking conference: Core Chemistry and Chemistry for Global Challenges. This event aimed to create an active forum and a productive platform that will lead to discussion and opportunities for international collaboration.

Asst. Prof. Charisse T Reyes won under the Chemical Education and Communication topic of the Student Research Competition.

Asst. Prof. Reyes won under the Chemical Education and Communication topic of the Student Research Competition. The title of her paper is “Enhancing accessibility in first-year chemistry digital learning environment through the universal design for learning framework,” which she was able to produce as part of her PhD work in Monash University. The winners of the Student Research Competition were chosen from over 1,400 Undergraduate and Graduate student submissions in each of the fifteen (15) Pacifichem Congress topic areas. These winners were judged on their 2-minute recorded presentation based on the quality of science and presentation.

Asst. Prof. Reyes is a licensed chemist and a member of the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines (ICP). In FEd, she teaches courses in chemistry and science education. Her research interests’ include innovations on pedagogical practices in chemistry education, specifically, enhancing teaching and learning chemistry through technology and learning analytics. Her research advocates also include the efficient use of open educational resources for teaching and learning in science education. While pursuing these research interests in science education, Asst. Prof. Reyes also keeps on enriching her chemistry research by actively participating in innovative works and studies on nanotechnology with the use of smart biomaterials.

FEd proudly congratulates Asst. Prof. Reyes for winning in Pacifichem Congress 2021!


Today@UPOU: UPOU-FMDS Barangay Digital Transformation Hub, in partnership with PESO Laguna and Concentrix Philippines, continued the donation of computers to its partner barangay - Brgy. Cansuso in Cavinti, Laguna today, 30 August 2024. The initiative aims to transform and digitize communities by reaching one barangay at a time. Last Friday (23 Aug) donated computers were distributed to Brgy. Sto Domingo, Bay and Brgy. Maahas, Los Baños.#UPOpenUniversity #upousdg8 #upousdg9 #upousdg10 #UPOUSDG17 ... See MoreSee Less
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