University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Chancellor, Dr. Melinda dela Pena Bandalaria, delivered a Keynote Speech for the “International Online Conference on Future Trends in E-Learning and Collaborative Working” organized by the Virtual University of Pakistan (VUP). The conference was held on 16-17 June 2020.
Dr. Bandalaria’s topic was titled “Teaching, Learning and Working in the time of COVID-19 and Beyond: Towards Normalizing the New Normal.”
Other keynote speakers for the online conference were Prof. Dr. Naveed A. Malik, Founding Rector, VUP, and Special Advisor for Technology and Innovation, Commonwealth of Learning
Canada; Prof. Rory MacGreal, UNESCO/ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources (OER), Athabasca University, Canada; Prof. Dr. Jamil Ahmad, BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan; Dr. Taimoor Khan, Associate Professor, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich, London, UK; Dr. Rehan Akbar, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia; Ms. Sukaina Walji, Online Education Project Manager, Acting Coordinator, Curriculum and Course Design Team, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Dr. Axel Janke, Professor Ecological Genomics, Head of Research Group ‘Evolutionary Vertebrate Genomics’, LOEWE – Biodiversity and Climate Research Center Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.
International Online Conference on Future Trends in E-Learning and Collaborative Working carried the theme “Covid-19: Learning and working while staying home.” As detailed on the official conference website, the online conference was held to share knowledge and experience of learning and working during special circumstances like COVID-19, share role of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and social media in infectious disease surveillance/ e-learning and collaborative working, share knowledge, experience and research work on impact of pandemic diseases and COVID-19 and its future perspectives, and share future trends in ICT development for online learning and working while staying home.