Four massive open online courses (MOOCs) will run this January 2018 under the UP Open University (UPOU) Technology for Teaching and Learning (TTL) Certification Program.
Two of the MOOCs have started on 6 January: "Blended Teaching and Learning using Open Educational Resources (OER)", which aims to explain blended learning, describe a flipped classroom, discuss Open Educational Resources (OER)s and MOOCs, and plan a lesson using OERs and MOOCs as OERs; and "Teaching and Learning with Modern Information and Communicaion Technologies", which describes the integration of modern ICTs into the teaching and learning process as well as the various social, ethical, and legal considerations in the use of modern ICTs.

The two other MOOCs will start on 22 January 2018. "ODeL 101: Introduction to Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL101)" is designed to introduce the key concepts, theories and principles of ODeL. Completion of the course will enable a student to explain the defining elements and principles of ODeL, differentiate the key concepts, trace developments and discuss the foundational theories of ODeL and how they influence practice.

"Quality Assurance (QA) in ODeL," will introduce the basic concepts and pillars of quality in ODeL, as well as the models of evaluating ODeL with focus on quality. After completing this course, a student is expected to explain the basic concepts related to QA in ODeL, discuss the various components of offering ODeL programs related to QA, and evaluate one's institution based on the QA indicators.

Both ODeL 101 and QA in ODeL are five-week courses. All these four courses are coordinated by Dr. Melinda dela Pena Bandalaria, Chancellor of UPOU. To enroll in the courses, visit

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