UPOU Students win Grand Prizes in UPD Library's First Gamification Activity

Two UPOU Faculty of Education (FEd) students bagged the grand prizes in the University of the Philippines (UP) System-wide gamification activity, “The Great InfoHunt 2022.” Ms. Fria Shayne Nuñez, BES student, won the Apple iPad and Ms. Rich-Anne Dayo, MSSE student, won the Lenovo laptop.

The Great InfoHunt 2022 is the first library gamification activity of the University Library Diliman for all UP students. As we adapt to the ever-changing learning modalities of library users, the University Library Diliman intended to introduce a modern take on promoting its resources and services through a scavenger-hunt kind of library orientation. The InfoHunt allowed the students to explore the various library databases, execute different search strategies, and familiarize with different library services at their own pace and with little to no supervision. The Great InfoHunt 2022 ran from 10 October until the end of November 2022, buthe game was extended until 4 January 2023.

The name of the winners were drawn for one of the “The Great InfoHunt 2022 (TGI 2022) stories at the temporary location of the University Library at the Environmental and Energy Engneering Builidng Lobby on 12 January 2023 from 10:00-11:00am. Some winners from other CUs attended personally to claim their prizes, accompanied by their University Librarians. The UPOU University Library arranged and provided the transportation for Ms. Dayo, who personally claimed her prize. Ms. Nuñez, on the other hand, attended via Zoom and Ms. Jennifer Belen-Bunao, UPOU University Librarian, claimed the  prize on her behalf.

Written by  Jennifer Belen-Bunao

Edited by Myra C.Almodiel and Anna Canas-Llamas

Photos from UP Diliman Library


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