The Agham + Sining: UP Innovation and Knowledge Festival 2022 was held last 28-29 November 2022 at the University of the Philippines Bonifacio Global City (UP BGC). The event showcased research projects and technological innovations in UP. The Development of a Filipinized Learning Management System under the Emerging Interdisciplinary Development Research Program was included in Session 1 of the event, where innovations in quality education were highlighted. Projects in this session aim to address SDG4 (Quality Education).

Asst. Prof. Rita Ramos, Project Leader of the EIDR Project titled "Development of a Filipinized Learning Management System"

Asst. Prof. Rita Ramos, Project Leader of the EIDR Project titled “Development of a Filipinized Learning Management System.” (Image screen captured from TVUP)

The project was presented by Asst. Prof. Rita Ramos, Ms. Hanna May Rosario, and Ms. Karen Enrile on the second day of the event under the Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era Session. In this session, pitches of innovative and technological solutions towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all were presented. Following the presentation, a question-and-answer session was held, during which all project leaders responded to panelists’ queries related to their respective projects.

Contributed by Development of a Filipinized LMS Team


INPHOTOS: Young learners visit Open Studio at UPOUEighteen Grades 4 to 6 pupils from Gateway Integrated Christian Academy, Inc. visited the Open Studio at the Galeria Sinag, located at the UPOU Community Hub at its Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna on 31 March 2025. Created by Carlo Dimaano, an artist-in-residence at the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS) and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) candidate from UP Diliman, the studio showcases creative works made from recycled materials, highlighting the importance of proper waste disposal and environmental conservation.#UPOpenUniversity #UPOUSDG4 #upoufics #SDG4 #SDG13 ... See MoreSee Less
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